Meet Our Team

Luna Afroz

Luna Afroz founded the company after 17 years of working for various Fortune 500 and Big 4 companies in the technology sector. She currently serves as the CEO and used her love for interior design to creating an inspiration for the company. Prior to establishing the company, Luna founded and managed the Orora Filmmakers’ Group, where she created, promoted, and managed independent films. Her love for entrepreneurship flourished through her extensive volunteering experience for non-profit professional organizations. 

Kevin Costello

As the Lead Designer for Luna, Kevin brings over 20 years of experience in the accessories industry, including design tenures at Ralph Lauren, Coach, and more. His passion for artistry, materials, and metal work allows him to incorporate highest quality design elements into the creation of sustainable products. Kevin shares the company’s vision for a socially and environmentally conscious world—one where the products we make and the materials we use can make a difference in the world.

Jennifer M. Woodson

Jennifer serves as the Senior Sustainability Officer, and is a textile developer who works with apparel and accessory designers to create sustainable, innovative materials. For over a decade, Jennifer has worked with textiles, and has been active in conversations surrounding sustainable textile production. While she has always been passionate about the environment, her passion for sustainability grew during her graduate studies where she extensively researched the sustainable initiatives being taken in the textile industry, as well as the metrics used to measure those initiatives. Jennifer takes pride in developing textiles and materials which are aesthetically pleasing as well as technically performing.

Ankita Kaushal

Ankita Kaushal brings in her vast experience and entrepreneurial spirit to the company. She has prior experience forming and managing a boutique marketing agency. Ankita is in charge of strategizing and managing the company's social media and community outreach programs. 
